This is still my favorite picture of all time:

Miss R is definitely in the practice these days of asking us TONS of questions. Most of them I know or can fake an answer, but last week she threw me.
"Mommy. I love home. In Africa, I no have birthday, trick or treat, thanksgiving or Christmas." Here I have birthday, trick or treat, thanks giving and Christmas. Mommy, why in Africa we not have that?"
"I don't know honey."
"Mommy, I think all the world need that."
"I agree Ruta. I agree."
I hate not having had a better answer, but man that girl can come up with some doozies! But why all the world not have that? I'm not saying that bringing kids here to America, taking them to Chuckie Cheese and screaming for Buzz Lightyear is the answer to the global orphan crisis. But until the global orphan population decreases substantially or the Lord returns, I'm always going to advocate for families opening up their homes to bring in someone who is lonely.
I often get emails from people who ask "why Ethiopia" questions. My answer is always the same. We were obedient. That's where God called us. Will He call us to Ethiopia again? I don't know. Will He call us to adopt again? I am begging Him so!
There are so many kids who need love, a home, a family, someone to call their own. This Christmas, while you are in the midst of ham steak, wrapping paper and family, please remember that some where either next door or around the world, someone needs love, comfort, home and is praying for their Christmas wish to come true: YOU!
These two angels are currently in foster care and are paper ready to be adopted. They are considered a "special needs" because they are a sibling group and they want to be adopted together, even though they are not being fostered together at this time.
These two angels are currently in foster care and are paper ready to be adopted. They are considered a "special needs" because they are a sibling group and they want to be adopted together, even though they are not being fostered together at this time.

For more information about international adoption, email me directly, or check out www.adoptionsbygladney.com www.ordinaryhero.org or go to www.google.com and put in "international adoption".
While I pray that your Christmas wish comes true this year, I am on my knees begging that the Christmas wish of every orphan and widow in this world is answered first!
Happy Holidays!