Aug 31, 2009

Six Weeks Waiting

Today marks six weeks of being on the wait list. There are moments when time seems to stop and stand still and then there are times I look up and think "hmm...a whole week has gone by, where was I?" I am grateful for both of those kind of moments. There are so many situations and places that I stop and think "this situation would be so different if our kids were here." And as Le and I watch the last bits of our laziness, freedom and flexibility fade away, I grow increasingly more excited. Highchairs, booster seats, toys cluttering the living room, bedtime prayers and tons of hugs and kisses flood my dreams.

As you know from previous posts,the last week has been pretty amazing for me and I am loving watching God work this up close and personal. I am excited for things to come and I want to know even more intimately how God plans on using me for His glory and I plan on blogging about it. But until our children are home, my Monday posts are reserved for the children that rule my heart, not just for the ones I call "mine" but all those who will never know the warmth of a bed, the feel of a kiss good night or the love of a mom and dad. I pray for them the most. I challenge you all: what can we do for them?

1 comment:

Amber said...

I am struggling with that same question....