Dec 14, 2011
Women Wednesday: The Great Debate
Dec 13, 2011
I was going through old pictures a few days ago,
It is from a Christmas past.
The Angel looked at the picture.
She smiled and just said
"I remember that day."
"That was the day my last friend left Africa."
Tonight as I tuck my daughter into bed,
there are millions just like her all over the world.
Maybe some even in our neighborhood,
who are standing at the gate,
for their turn.
Their chance to have a home.
What are we going to do about it?
Dec 9, 2011
Christmas Carols
Dec 6, 2011
Last Christmas
Her name is Shannon.

She is a waiting child from China.
And Shannon has a Christmas wish:
A family.
You see, this is Shannon's last chance.
Her last Christmas wish for her heart's desire.
Someone to call her their own.
In China, once she turns 14, she will never have the opportunity to be adopted.
Her two best friends were adopted not long ago and living in America.
Shannon begs for them to find her a home.
And she only has two more months.
Christmas is Two Days Early This Year
On November 29th, 2009, my sister and her husband relocated to Phoenix
There were lots of smiles.
LOTS of laughs.
(I think he looks like the seamstress from The Incredibles :)
it was definitely noted that there were two presents missing.
We skyped the entire Christmas morning, letting LaLa and Papa Chu
watch each gift being opened,
each toy being played with and
watching The Dinosaur terrorize us all with his dump truck.
At the end of the day, Laura sent me a message,
telling me that 2010 would be last Christmas my kids were small
that she wouldn't be sitting in my living room.
I told her I was going to hold her to that,
but wouldn't tell the kids.
So as we made our lists this year for what they wanted to unwrap,
The Angel again requested her favorite thing:
and maybe, just maybe if he was good,
she'd let Papa Chu come along.
So for Christmas 2011,
I waited for as long as I could to tell the kids.
About two minutes after I knew.
And some fat man squeezing in our fireplace doesn' t mean anything.
Santa and his entire magical entourage could carry
Laura and Brian's bags from the airport,
and The Angel and The Dinosaur wouldn't notice.
There will be popcorn,
and probably costumes
playing ball in the house
and breaking all of Mommy's rules.
pillow fights,
sleeping in late
and cereal for dinner.
She is so excited that she has turned her
paper-chain, Advent calendar from school into a
"Countdown to Aunt Laura coming".
But I haven't told her they will be here on the 23rd.
I want to see the look on her face:
Dec 5, 2011
You Think She Wants A Sibling?
Last Wednesday was our home study.
She's good.