I've noticed that since we've been home, my kids seem to lack the ability to play. Although my family and friends showered them with toys, their childhood was on hold for so long, we've been working on getting it back. Ruta really relished in picking out her own outfit and Alazar was thrilled we took along his stuffed dragon for our outing with Vanessa. I wanted them to have the opportunity to dress up, run around, and just have fun.
I was thrilled when Vanessa showed up with balloons. It put the entire mood of the shoot straight into fantasy land; it was perfect and provided them both with the opportunity to just PLAY!

Princess Ruta:

A fun one just for Daddy:
My darling children, watching you play was the highlight of my week. I may never be able to restore the pieces of your lost childhood, but I will do everything in my power to protect what is left of it. I love you and each day you continue to teach me more about patience, love and the redemptive nature of Christ. You are precious, not perfect; angelic, not holy and a pure joy to a woman who is not perfect, nor precious or angelic and definitely not holy.
Vanessa, thank you for spending time capturing the things I adore about my children; Ruta's killer smile and Alazar's angelic profile. You truly have found your calling above being an amazing mother...you are a prolific artist.
If you want to see more of Vanessa's amazing work, go to http://www.sodarnhappy.com/ and if you love the tutu that Ruta wore, my rock star friend, Amber made it, check it out here.
gorgeous photos!! the one of you three together for daddy is very sweet!
I have noticed, too, the inability to just play. It's something we are working on... but still doesn't just come "natural." :-(
I agree with inability to play. Mamo is very uncomfortable with idle time he doesn't know what to do without being prompted. The pictures are so beautiful!!
Fun! Love the close ups of the kids.
Those pictures rock!! Wish I lived closer to her! What a blessing....
Betti still talks about Ruta and Alazar. It would be amazing if we could all get together some day... :)
yay - we just had some family pics done, too!
love, love the one of you three for your hubby. you need to print a wallet sized one, laminate it and he can stick it in his fireman hat!! too cute!
I simply adore these photos! She did an amazming job and I love the whole "theme". Just beautiful!
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