For the first several months, Alazar and I had a hard time spending a lot of time together and all of it was my fault. The Lord chose to give my son a new mommy, but for months, I let the enemy convince me that God had chosen wrong. Alazar is stubborn, defiant and knows exactly how to push my buttons. And because his actions and words are clouded by an adorable countenance, everyone close to me thought I was crazy at first. He adores Le and when the four of us are together, his ability to ignore me totally is impressive. He is two and this too shall pass, but nothing cuts your heart out like being rejected; especially by your kids. On days that my insecurities mount and he looks at me angel faced when I say "I love you son" and replies "NO!", I want to crawl in a hole.
But I know he loves me. And he knows I adore him and I've learned that while he is pushing my buttons, he is also longing for me as much as I am for him. And I've stopped beating myself for the hard days. We're working through it and during those hard days, I find myself crying out for my Father and asking for patience, grace and the ability to laugh most of it off (like the day he found safety scissors at 5am. and destroyed his comforter). And my God listens. I know He does because there are the days like yesterday.
Ruta was at school, Le was travelling home and my son and I were together at home earlier than usual. I curled up on the couch and he crawled up next to me, put my arm around him, gazed up at me and said "my seat Mommy, I Lalou (love you)." Ahh, be still my heart.
These five months have been beautiful, adventuresome, and most of all, fun. I relish being a mom. While I am fallible, we all are and only God's amazing grace makes us better. In five months there have been tears, frustration, mourning and hurt.
But there have also been:
Walks in the park boat rides on the lake and airplane rides:

Concerts, sleepovers, school and church:

Slides, cookouts, new friends, old friends:
just wanted to say i ike the new photos; especially the one with the cliffs in the background .
Lindsey, I love your heart and your willingness to be open about the hard times. Your family is just beautiful and I can't wait to see yall again!! :)
awww.... you sound just like every other mommy I know!!! :)
I mean this as a compliment and confirmation that this is what parenthood is all about - little battles and even bigger victories! it sounds like you guys are doing great, love the pics!
I can not believe it has been 5 months aleady. I've been following your blog for awhile. Love the pictures and appreciate your honesty about tough times. I brought home a 5 month old in January and we too experience some not so good times. I think I cried daily for a couple of weeks. Adopion is hard. Being a mommy is hard too.
What a beautiful post. I so appreciate your honesty and willingness to open up your heart!
Love you Linz!!! Love your fam so much.
Every family must have at least one kid who knows how to push mom's buttons. Some of us are blessed to have more than one! ;0)
Your children are gorgeous, and you are a fantastic mom!
Congratulations on five months home!
I appreciate your honesty. Adoption isn't easy. But what IS easy that is really rewarding?
in 5 MORE months you will have come oh so much farther. Little by little one step at a time.
God chose YOU!
I love this post. Thank you for your honesty and your heart.
We leave tomorrow for Ethiopia and will be home with our boys next Saturday!
i understand! our daughter responded to me in a very similar way! it is hard! i can say (now home 8 months) that things to get better, but that doesn't make the hard times easier! hang in there!
Be still my heart...your family is beautiful.
I am not an adoptive momma--yet---but I can say I have felt the same way with my bio kids---rejection hurts---and unfortunately the enemy knows your sore spots--ugh!
Thanks for sharing your story...truthfully :)
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