My mom bought me a Coach purse a few months ago. I LOVE this bag. It means something to me, it's a gift and I've NEVER used it. It still has the paper stuffing inside. I drug my feet all night. "NO Lord. Please not my purse. My mom gave it to me. It's a gift...." Blah. Blah. Blah. All night I gave God my excuses. But He was asking for my obedience. It's not just a really cool purse, it's my testament to Him that I will do what I am asked. I can give it up and help someone else.
Do you want it?
But this giveaway just gets better. Once we've raised $350 from this purse, my friends will donate purses of their own ranging from Coach, Bramin, Louis Vitton, Kate Spade or Prada. You won't know which one is coming next, as each one is a surprise and we'll continue auctioning them off until you are sick of buying. Please spread the word! We still need about $7000 to complete this rescue.
Women love a good deal and when a good deal combines with the chance to save a life: well now that equals FABULOUS!
To read more about the rescue, click here.
Clever! Love this idea...figuring out what I can do too!
I don't want to the purse so don't pick me--or if you do pick-someone else. Just want to help!
my purse auction would be:
Anyone want an old hand me down wal-mart okay! Well, your loss--it was really from the thrift store but came from wal-mart :)) Don't think that will market as well!
:) Praising God for your sacrifice!
Lindsey...When you get to heaven and see the little girl there you helped to rescue you won't think a thing about that lousy Coach purse. It's SO worth it. I just love you, love you. Thank you for setting the example for all of us.
You are amazing
I just did this exact same thing to fund our adoption. SO worth it! I hope it does well. I LOVE seeing these precious girls being rescued. Brought out of the darkness into HIS glorious light. Praise Jesus! :)
what a wonderful idea! praise God for you and your heart for His children - i love how God can use the internet for His glory - I dont' know you, but you've inspired me today :)
many blessings to you -
Allison - Colorado
Awesome idea! I'd love to adopt some day...some day soon... Very inspiring.
Hi there!
Saw your comment on my blog and had to come check out yours. I have to tell you that I love this idea - love your conviction - love your heart to follow hard after the Lord. You must be reading all the same books I am now. :-) Oh Radical....whoa.
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