Ruta's English is better everyday. Yesterday she looked at Walter, our french bulldog, kissed his face and said "there you go Walter." I'm not sure Walter knew he needed a kiss until he had received it. That's kind of how I feel too. People will say to us at church "oh that is such a great thing you are doing for them", "how lucky they must be", but I feel just the opposite. I have found a piece of my soul in my children and I would have never had it if they weren't here.
They have changed every dynamic of our family. We use to see each other on holidays and special occasions, but I've seen my parents more in the last two months than in the last two years. The transformation of Le and I's relationship itself is mind blowing. He looked at me last night and said "mommy why don't you go take a bubble bath and I'll put the kids to bed." My mouth fell open. I've never loved him more than that moment.
I read an article from one of my favorite authors who was quoting a recent study on adoption. It said that adoptions were down 40% since 2004. In a world where statistics quote anywhere from 143 to 150 million orphans, why is this so. If only 7% of those of us who drive to a church on Sundays, sit in a pew each week, put $5 in an offering plate and claim that Jesus has changed our lives, would open our hearts and our homes there would be NO. MORE. ORPHANS.
Most people in order to assimilate with a situation need to put a face with a problem. Do you want to know why my family and I are passionate about orphans? Because these faces have changed our life:
Aunt Laura and Ruta:

Papa Clay, Ayat and Alazar fighting over pizza:
Another awesome post! I look forward to reading your blog!
Be still my heart! I love seeing your kiddos in your arms.
Beatiful post!
I love your VOICE! Thank you for using it to inspire others!
Hi, I'm new to your blog and share your enthusiasm for adoption, although my husband and I don't have children yet. I look forward to reading your posts and searching your wonderful blog. You have a beautiful family. All the best.
Oh, they are so beautiful!!
And they are in the home they DESERVE. Praise God. And bless the ones left behind.
Can't wait to see you again and meet those precious kids!!! Love reading your posts!
So Happy to see your family together!! Congrats, again!
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