Dec 9, 2012

Where are We?

It's been a few days since our last post. I've been to Texas and back and then to Tulsa and back again with the book signings. My little family is feeling the stress. But they also are embracing our mission. 1000 books. One water well. A family mission we've all gotten behind. I think that I have about 200 book left in my possession. This number is rough.
The original printing was split equally. One half to me. One half to a distribution company in Tennessee. They have placed the books on all the usual suspect sites...Amazon, Barnes and and several other book sellers. I took the other half to do book signings and appearances in my area. Wow. And there are only roughly 200 left in my possession.

1000 of any thing can boggle the mind. But 1000 prints of my oldest son's profile is the most exciting, fearful, amazing thing I've done in my entire life. You may order the book at the Pay Pal button above. Look for us on facebook to spread the love and the page dedicated to the book.
Thank you again for just being willing to go on this amazing journey with us.

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