She was one of the first people I told the night we lost my brother.
As The Hero drove to my parents house , I texted my out of state soul sister
begging for scripture and prayers.
She was working on both within minutes.
She was adamant about flying in for the funeral.
I begged her to stay; I knew we would be unable to just be with everything else going on.
She checked on me constantly.
Lifted me up so deeply and fervently I could feel it.
And then came the day she just showed up.
In real life.
On my doorstep.
Four states away from Colorado to Oklahoma.
With her amazing little family.
All five of them.
Four full days of friendship.
Friendship that has gone beyond Amy and I and has infected our children and husbands.
A true blending of hearts and lives.
We played with our kids,
laughed and cried together
and spent an entire afternoon engaging one another while moving two tons of
dirt and mulch in our backyard garden.
Our kids were actually begging us to go out again and play in the dirt some more!

She offered to take me out to dinner or shopping
just the two of us on more than one occasion.
And while we did get some great "mommy time",
what I needed most in those four days was just the presence
of my friend and her little family.
To embrace our kids and giggle at kid antics and
sibling quarrels and to be reminded that friendship
is never completely what we bring to a relationship.
It is not only the sum of what we can offer someone else.
It is the ebb and flow of what we give to and what we take away
from one another that makes it deep and pure and yes, even holy.
She gave all of herself and I hope she took away a new appreciation for how amazing she is at meeting somebody in their suffering.
I gave her a glimpse into my hurt and the hole in my heart and took
from that the knowledge that we are not meant to suffer alone.
An example of Earth as it is in Heaven.
Perfection in my recent darkness.
My little family was devastated to see them pull out of our driveway.
We were renewed and revived just by spending time together.
Then my amazing friend drove four states home and wrote a blog post about what a gift it was to serve me and mine during our suffering and the meaning
of just showing up in the midst of someone's hurt.
And show up she did.
In so many ways, with very little words
and yet in the middle of grieving,
it was everything myself and my little family needed it to be.