August in Oklahoma is the hottest month of the year.
Growing up here all of my life use to leave me groaning every day in this 100 plus temps.
But the longer I live here, the more I have come to fall in love with August.
There are very few months that have such a flux of change.
Sweet comings and goings, graspings and savorings that not many months here possess.
August brings new beginnings with school.
School supplies piled high, the smell of new erasers and readjusting to life on a schedule.
Savoring the last bit of growing beauty before fall takes over and the air chills out.
The last bit of grasping to lazy days and naps for no good reason.
The final bits of friends visiting for the summer.
The garden in full swing as the veggies and fruits craving the hottest part of the heat in order to blossom and produce.
Sweating in the kitchen, canning the fullness of abudance to savor come winter.
Escaping outdoors a few more moments to explore and discover.
Anticipation of the opening of our States second
While the air is hot and most people spend most of Oklahoma's Augusts indoors, there is so much to love about this month that I'm almost sad to see it go.